Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Bed/ 7 things

Here is Mackenzie's new bed!!! I am so excited. It is up and in her room. However it does not have matterss. =( Hopefully soon we will be able to get one. And then we get to start with bedding! I am excited to have finally got her a bed I have been wanting, even if i wasnt the one to pay for it. (Thanks Nana and PapPaw and MamMaw)

And since my bestest said something in her blog here is my 7 things!

so - 7 weird/strange things about me
1) I cannot stand to have a cabinet be open. If I am even in the other room and see it I have to walk into the kitchen just to shut it.How hard is is really to just shut the cabinet???
2) Putting Laundry into the dressers or the closet. Why can't it just stay folded in the basket? It just gets folded to put in the drawer?
3) I like to eat my steak with butter, sour cream, and a1 sauce......Yeah I know its not good for you but man does it make yours steak taste better
4) I like to dip my french fries in applesauce or if were at wendy's in the frosty!
5) I love to snuggle up to my blanket even if it's 100 degrees
6) It really bugs me when people say they know all the words to a song and then mumble the wrong words.
7) I love to be barefoot, however HATE feet!

1 comment:

andrea said...

ahh i love the bed! so cute :)

and i so do the frosty thing, the other day i was there and forgot to get one and i was totally devestated....